Webster’s Dictionary defines salt as a natural white substance that is used especially to flavor or preserve food. In the Bible, Christians are defined as “salt.” In Matthew 5:13, Jesus says; “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” In other words, Christians should have a preserving and flavoring effect in our society.
Colossians 4:6 also exhorts us: “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.”
There’s a second definition of salt I especially find intriguing: an ingredient that gives savor, piquancy, or zest: flavor, a people…full of life, vigor. That’s what the Christian life is supposed to demonstrate to the world–a life full of flavor, zest and vigor!
If you are a “salt-less” Christian, your life will be no different from the average person struggling to make it through the day. If we’re honest, we all have those days when we’re “out of salt,” but we can restore our saltiness by getting into the Scriptures and by praying.
Maybe you’re not a salted caramel fan like me, but your life as a Christian should demonstrate flavor, zest and spiritual vigor to a world that needs to see what the Christian life is meant to be.
This is great, particularly your reference to Colossians 4:6. I believe most churches today are in serious need of more salt preaching.
We share a love of salted-caramel anything! And I really hope and pray that I’m salty-enough Christian. #livefree
I want to be salty!