To the natural mind, “Good Friday” is an oxymoron. What’s good about the Friday on which Jesus was crucified?
This Jesus was the hope of the Jewish nation—their expected Messiah who would deliver them from the oppression of the Roman Empire and bring about God’s Kingdom on earth. But this Jesus stood condemned and nailed to a Cross. Their hopes of deliverance were dashed.
It’s only on the other side of the Cross, as we glimpse with spiritual eyes, that we understand “Good Friday.” It was a day unlike any other in God’s plan for the redemption of mankind. It was the day that the Perfect Lamb of God would be sacrificed for all of Israel’s and mankind’s sins. The perfect sacrifice to end all sacrifices. It was the day the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom, signifying man’s access to God in the inner sanctuary and the restoration of fellowship between God and man.
So what should be our response to God’s great sacrifice? Rejoicing and thanksgiving for sure and acceptance of this great gift of salvation. But there is more. In response to God’s great sacrifice, He calls us to offer a sacrifice of humility. Just as Jesus humbled himself to God’s will, even to death on the Cross, we too are called to humble ourselves before God daily.
“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart you, O God, will not despise.” (Ps. 57:13).
As we consider the meaning of “Good Friday” and celebrate “Resurrection Sunday,” let’s offer our sacrifice of a humble and contrite heart to God.