Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprint (Ambassador International Publisher
© Oct 1.2024) Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book outlets.
A story about an adorable Frenchie who just wants to feel special.
“Children will fall in love with Maisie as she searches for her fingerprint and discovers how unique she really is. Filled with fun facts about animals coupled with engaging illustrations, this sweet story teaches children to embrace their similarities and differences, and know that we are all created with our own unique features.” (Crystal Bowman–bestselling award-winning author of more than 100 books for children including Good Morning, God Loves You!)

Fingerprint Devotions: 40 Devotions To Help You Realize You Are a Kid Uniquely Created by God for a Purpose. (Ambassador International Publishers, © Nov, 2023)
Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book outlets.
Out of the approximately 7.9 billion people on earth today, no two people have the same fingerprints. Each person is uniquely created by God, one-of-kind, with a special purpose and calling for his or her life.
Through Fingerprint Devotions: 40 Devotions to Help You Realize You Are a Kid Uniquely Created by God for a Purpose, kids will gain a firm biblical foundation to help them recognize that God created them, loves them, and that they have worth and value to God and others.
By using this devotion, kids will discover that God’s fingerprint is on them through
- creation
- salvation by asking Jesus into their hearts,
- and (c)through the Holy Spirit living in them.
They will also discover how they can become God’s fingerprint to the world by the way they live and serve God through their individual gifts, talents, and callings.
Intended for kids ages 8-12

Lord. It’s Boring in my Prayer Closet (How to Revitalize Your Prayer Life)
Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book outlets.
LORD, IT’S BORING IN MY PRAYER CLOSET (How to Revitalize Your Prayer Life) addresses some of the common struggles Christians have in developing a personal prayer life and keeping it fresh and meaningful. In the book, the author shares some of her own struggles with boredom in prayer and provides readers with biblical insight to God’s purposes for prayer as well as fresh ideas for revitalizing their prayer lives. Perfect for a small group study.
“I read this book for an online class I was taking through BeADisciple.com. I love this book! It is one of the best books I have seen on prayer.”
“So many prayer books make me feel like I’m not praying hard enough, but this book places no burdens on me. It simply helps me pray!”

Pray a Word a Day (Volume 2) By Guideposts
(Contributing Author)
Available at GuidePosts.
Pray a Word a Day is unlike any daily devotional you’ve ever seen before! It is a non-dated, 365-day book that invites you to connect with God in ways that will inspire and uplift you – while giving your prayer practice a fresh boost.

Abba’s Lessons: 30 Stories of Lessons God Teaches His Children
by CrossRiver Media
Contributing Author
In Abba’s Lessons, you’ll find thirty stories of people from all walks of life—an adoption attorney, a wedding planner, Bible leaders and pastors, military wives, and more. Each story brings a special lesson we can apply to our own lives. Lessons of surrender, forgiveness, humility, pride, judgement, praise, trust, letting go, God’s will, anxiety, and so many more.